The many different Hill Tribe Villages in the mountains surrounding Chiang Rai are justly world famous and it is possible to visit them – I am well known in many of villages. I can also arrange for overnight stays in some of the villages and retain the specialized services of Lahu and Akha guides if desired.

If you prefer to avoid trekking and touring with large mixed groups then I am the guide for you! I also like to avoid the heavily beaten track and the overly touristic destinations! (However many of these destinations can be of great interest and tours of these can certainly be arranged.) Sometimes a large group, say of 12 or 15 persons or more is not well suited to jungle trekking because some individuals will want to travel faster than others or may not be able to negotiate certain paths (be forewarned -it can be strenuous). Some want to stay longer at certain stopping points to enjoy the experience at leisure, while others may wish to forge ahead. Large groups also tend to disturb the quiet and peace of the mountain jungle forest and scare away the birds and animals we like to see and hear.
A large group also necessitates the hiring of additional guides and larger buses and more organizational delays. So a group of 1-6 persons is often best although I am to able to accommodate larger numbers if you desire.
My wish is to tailor any trek or tour to your personal interests and ability and I do not offer canned-no-substitution tours. Therefore I have not presented a long list of tours and treks to select from but only offer a small sample with estimated prices. What you finally decide to do will be only what you want to do, on your schedule and time limits.
Want to see the Buddhist Temples, Pagodas, Monuments, Markets, Parks, Rivers and other famous destinations in Chiang Rai City, Chiang Saen and Mae Sai? These are all well known to me and I can help make your sight-seeing trip to them enjoyable and informative. Upon request I can help you select a hotel or guest house in your budget range and of course I will organize all local transportation to take you to and from the starting points of our excursions.
Chiang Rai Trekking and Guiding Service is operated by Sompong Laophong but all his friends call him Jong and you should too. He is a Government licensed professional trekking and jungle guide based in Chiang Rai City in Northern Thailand. The forests, jungles and mountain areas of Chiang Rai province, sometimes called the Golden Triangle, are world renowned for their unique cultural and biological diversity. With my many years of experience and specialized knowledge he can show you the wonders of this special region, and tailored to your particular interests, abilities and time table, whether as a tourist, professional scientist or naturalist, as an experienced mountainteer or just a day tripper. If you are interested in the cultural offerings, history, temples and monuments found in the plains of Lanna, as we call our region, and whose special history spans more than a thousand years, I can arrange any number of different tours that will satisfy your curiosity and enliven your stay in Chiang Rai.
For Tour information click here